Wrestling with Opportunity: Bobby Melok’s Path to WWE Digital Success
Posted in: Alumni Success Stories, Career Services News, Career Services Spotlights, College News and Announcements, Student Success

When Bobby Melok graduated from Montclair in 2009 with a degree in Broadcasting, he envisioned a future in journalism. However, his career path took an unexpected, yet rewarding turn. Robert “Bobby” Melok Jr. is a Senior Digital Content Producer with WWE, living the life of eye-catching content and elevating WWE’s brand. From editing in The Montclarion to shaping WWE’s digital presence, he has built a career in digital media and demonstrated that adaptability is important—especially when unexpected opportunities are opening.
His goal was never digital content and social media. He expected journalism to be his final goal as an undergraduate. At The Montclarion, he served as a Sports Editor and Editor-in-Chief. With his passion for writing, he was also a Montclair Admissions Office Ambassador. As he went through graduate school and internships, Bobby found that working on digital content and social media was a great fit for him, skill-wise and personality-wise.
Then the opportunity to join the WWE team in that field came up. Being a Senior Digital Content Producer for WWE, Bobby focuses on creating content for the fans by a fan. Although it can be a little hectic, he continues to love the work he does and has fun while doing it. He has grown into the role, constantly adapting, as digital and social media continues to change. He started working with WWE in 2011 and social media is not the same as it used to be. Bobby continues to learn new things and takes on new challenges to bring the best content to WWE fans.
The work he did as a Broadcasting major prepared him to work in the industry in more ways than he can express. That, plus the leadership experience he gained with The Montclarion was a tremendous benefit. “Everything I did at Montclair gave me the tools I needed to succeed in my journey,” Bobby said. Being involved on campus was the push he needed to get where he is today. The Montclarion provided him with a platform to practice his skills and work as a leader. Yet, working in social media is different from what a journalist does. Bobby has built the skills to be at the level of Senior Digital Content Producer because of his history of being a student leader.
As an Alumni, Bobby is creating an inspirational impact on our students showcasing that if there’s an opportunity – take it. If he could tell his undergraduate self something he wished someone could have told him is to be open to experiences outside your expectations.
“What you think you want to do career-wise may not be what you end up doing. It may not even be something you like doing. Being open gives you the best chance to find your place in the industry and find work you truly enjoy doing.”
One day you can be writing the scores of last night’s football game and the next you can be planning content for WrestleMania.
Written By, Grace Velazquez