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Just for Adjuncts: Coming from the Professions – Translating Industry Experience into Pedagogical Practice

Tuesday, March 18, 6–7pm ONLINE.

Posted in: Uncategorized

Adjunct faculty who also work as industry professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to the classroom. How do instructors translate their professional expertise into impactful learning opportunities for students? Find out from our panel of experts! Join us to learn about ways adjunct faculty coming from the professions can successfully turn their industry experience into sound pedagogical practice, providing students with invaluable real-world, first-hand insight into their disciplinary study.


Dr. Melissa Donahue, Social Work and Child Advocacy

Tobi Elkin, College of the Arts; School of Communication and Media

Dan Mansperger, Marketing

Dr. Gary Pankiewicz, Writing Studies; Teaching and Learning

Gloria Walker, School of Communication and Media

Moderator: Courtney Crimmins, OFE
