orange trees

Awards and Scholarships

David Benfield Philosophy Essay Prize

First place:
Second place:
Submission Deadline:

Essays will be judged by a panel of faculty members in the Department of Philosophy at MSU. Winning essays will be selected on the basis of philosophical content, rigor of argumentation, style and composition.


  • Essays on any topic in philosophy may be submitted.
  • The author of the essay must be enrolled as a Philosophy major or minor at Montclair State University.
  • The essay may be a revised course essay or a newly composed essay.
  • A student may submit only one essay for consideration per year.
  • Essays submitted previously may not be submitted a second time.


  • Essays should be formatted properly: standard font, standard margins, double-spaced, etc.
  • The length of your submission should be between 2,000 and 3,500 words (approximately 6 – 12 pages).
  • Essays must include a proper bibliography.
  • Email your essay as an attachment to Tiger Roholt at (submit only one of the following file types: “pdf” “doc” “docx” “pages”)
  • Essays should be prepared for blind review (The author’s name should not appear anywhere in the essay). The author’s name should appear in the body of the email.

* Funds will be credited to the winner’s account at Montclair State University.